Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Hubble's Discovery of Galaxies

Last week I posted an essay regarding 5 significant discoveries that I humbly submit have helped Mankind expands its understanding of Reality on my associated website http://www.jacob2012.com/. Additionally, I posted blogs about Discovery #1, Cantor’s formal definition of Infinity and some of its ramifications.

This week I would like to discuss Discovery #4 Hubble’s Discovery of Galaxies in 1923.

It’s hard for us today to imagine what the night sky must have looked like to humans before the invention of the electric light bulb. City skylines nowadays are so bright from all of the nightlights that all but the brightest stars and planets are totally blocked out. Living in a large city like Chicago, we get to see about 10 stars as well as Jupiter, Venus, and Mars. Saturn and Mercury are too faint to be easily seen without binoculars or a telescope.

To see the night sky as the ancients did, we need to go to Montana or central Canada, far from any city lights.

Read the entire essay at www.jacob2012.com/essays/hubble.

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