Monday, September 15, 2008

What Mankind Has Learned in the Last 120 Years

When we stop to think how mankind has grown and developed over the last 120 years, some notable inventions come to mind immediately: electricity, telephone, television, electric light, cars, planes, cars, and numerable medical advances. The last 25 years has seen the explosion of desktop computers and the Internet. However, none of these inventions have produced improvements in the way mankind thinks. In fact, some would say that television has helped to dumb-down intellectual life in the US and wherever else its signal reaches. All of these advances have improved the quality of life for many people, but they have not produced any paradigm shifts in mankind’s intellectual capabilities and understanding of Reality.

I humbly present for your intellectual stimulation 5 discoveries that have improved the way mankind thinks and how mankind perceives Reality.
1) Cantor’s Definition of Infinity in the 1890s
2) Plank’s Discovery of Quantum in 1900
3) Einstein’s Theory of Relativity in 1905
4) Hubble’s Discovery of Galaxies in 1923
5) Aspect’s Experiments Demonstrating that Reality is Non-local in 1982

For the entire essay, go to

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