Saturday, September 27, 2008

Video link - Astonishing Power of Emotions

Today, I want to share a fantastic link from a friend’s website because it pertains to the reasons why I am writing my essays for and following them up with blogs on

Yasmin Boland is an excellent astrologer and her website is I read her forecasts daily. Additionally, she posts other pertinent and interesting information from time to time.

Friday Yasmin posted a video from YouTube titled “The Astonishing Power of Emotions,” which in turn is from Ester (the woman in the video) is a medium and talks about vibrational escrow and the power of intent.

But the greater message is that there are people today that are beginning to see beyond the veil that surrounds our existence. We are learning that even though we are in a physical body that is mortal, we have an infinite, immortal portion that is pure energy.

This viewpoint is growing in acceptance. The number of people that are slowly able to see beyond the veil of our existence is increasing. We have not reached a threshold as yet, but we will.

That is also why my website refers to the year 2012. December 21, 2012 is the end of the Mayan Calendar. There are a lot of doom-and-gloomers that say that the end of the Mayan Calendar will bring an end to civilization. I do not agree. The only people that should be worried are the predatory Type-A Alpha males that have caused the mess we are in now, because they must either change or be eliminated.

I submit that this significant date corresponds to the next phase in the evolution of Mankind. I submit that by December 21, 2012 we will reach the threshold where enough people will be able to see beyond the veil of existence. What we are going through now is only the birth pangs of the New Age of Aquarius.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Questions for Cantor and Hubble

Let us consider only the discoveries of Cantor and Hubble for today. Both men significantly contributed to expanding the boundaries of Mankind’s understanding of the Universe. Cantor defined infinity as a mathematical entity in the 1890s. Hubble proved through astronomical observation that the Universe was considerably larger than the galactic womb of the Milky Way. The full essays are at and

Cantor provided the definitions of countable and uncountable infinities. Cantor’s work on infinity was only a mathematical exercise before Hubble. Why? Before Hubble published his findings regarding the true size of the Universe in 1923, the heavens consisted of the Sun, Moon, the planets from Mercury to Saturn, and the Milky Way Galaxy which included all of the fixed stars and fuzzy nebulae. But Hubble’s work destroyed the ancient notion of the heavens by pushing the boundary of the known Universe out to the edge of Infinity. Since then, other astronomers have shown that the Universe is approximately 14 billions light years across.

Is space infinite? Scientists tell us that the Universe is expanding and that space-time has expanded along with the Universe. But is the Universe embedded in an infinite space? If space is not infinite, then prove there is nothing beyond the edge of the Universe. Ah, now that’s a question for only the heartiest of explorers to ponder.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Discussion of Hubble’s Discovery of Galaxies

So why is Hubble’s discovery of galaxies so important to the evolution of Mankind’s understanding of the Universe and Reality?

Let me illustrate with an example. Let’s say that you spend your entire life in your own local village. Everything that everyone in the village needs is provided. No one ventures beyond the village’s border. For such inhabitants, the village is their entire Universe. They have no knowledge of anything outside the village walls.

Then one day, someone ventures beyond the walls. Can you imagine the trouble that person would have trying to explain to others what a lake is, or a forest of pine trees, or even other people from other villages? First, the explorer would be severely punished by the villagers for leaving the safety of the village. Second, he would have a hard time explaining what a lake is to someone that had never seen a body of water larger than a puddle or what a forest was to someone that had only known the few trees in the village. What about the other people? Aliens! Terrorists! Run for your lives!!

This is exactly how Mankind has grown since the last Ice Age 11,000 years ago. Mankind consisted of hunters and gatherers that slowly found it easier to live in small villages. People in Mesopotamia had no knowledge of the people in China or Central and South America. As the population grew, villages grew into towns and eventually into cities. It is always the explorers that push the boundaries of what people know and understand.

The same is true for our comprehension of the Heavens. As explained in the essay on Hubble’s Discovery of Galaxies at, the Ancients saw a night sky that was filled with exotic sites that no one truly understood. They called special lights in the sky that moved ‘planets’ while the background stars were the complete Universe. It was obvious that everything revolved around the Earth.

This was the state of Mankind’s knowledge until Galileo used the telescope in 1610 to prove that not everything goes around the Earth (this was accomplished by viewing and documenting the 4 major moons of Jupiter). See for a full detailed story.

How did Mankind view God during this period? That is best exemplified by Michelangelo’s magnificent murals on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, where he displays God as a white, elderly man in a white robe living in Heaven beyond the clouds. This perspective of God has worked for a long time.

Then along came Edwin Hubble. For a complete biography, visit Hubble used careful observations to rigorously prove that the Milky Way galaxy is not the edge of the Universe. In fact, the Universe was filled with a multitude of other galaxies well beyond the edges of the Milky Way.

Hubble pushed our boundaries of Heaven beyond Mankind’s comprehension. He was the first to demonstrate the true size and complexity of our Universe. Other astronomers have expanded upon Hubble’s work in the intervening 85 years. However, there are still many people that still consider God as depicted by Michelangelo: a white man in a white beard living in the clouds.

This depiction of God is now outdated and no longer appropriate. We need a new depiction of God to help us here in the 21st Century that includes what Mankind has learned in the last 120 years.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Hubble's Discovery of Galaxies

Last week I posted an essay regarding 5 significant discoveries that I humbly submit have helped Mankind expands its understanding of Reality on my associated website Additionally, I posted blogs about Discovery #1, Cantor’s formal definition of Infinity and some of its ramifications.

This week I would like to discuss Discovery #4 Hubble’s Discovery of Galaxies in 1923.

It’s hard for us today to imagine what the night sky must have looked like to humans before the invention of the electric light bulb. City skylines nowadays are so bright from all of the nightlights that all but the brightest stars and planets are totally blocked out. Living in a large city like Chicago, we get to see about 10 stars as well as Jupiter, Venus, and Mars. Saturn and Mercury are too faint to be easily seen without binoculars or a telescope.

To see the night sky as the ancients did, we need to go to Montana or central Canada, far from any city lights.

Read the entire essay at

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Why Infinity is Important

Why is the concept of infinity important to our discussions? It is important because every major religion deals with infinity. When we talk about God, we are talking about an infinite being. In a loose sense, you could say that the evolution of Mankind’s understanding of God and the Universe has grown with its understanding of infinity.

Do a quick Google search of infinity and religion. There are many articles on the web that discuss the subject, ranging from a scientific perspective to a purely religious outlook to some very new and exotic ideas. I am going to add my own perspective to the mix.

I thought a lot about infinity that night when, as a 9-year-old, I was snuggly under the covers contemplating my own mortality (see the full essay Is the Universe in a physical infinity? Science says that space-time was created at the Big Bang. But if everything we see and know as the Universe is contained within the explosion after-effects of the Big Bang, then what is beyond the edge of the Universe? Nothing or Something that we cannot comprehend? Infinity is pretty big!

On a different note, I refer to a passage from the Bible. In Chapter 1 of Genesis, “God said, ‘Let us make man in our own image, in the likeness of ourselves” (1). There is a huge problem here: God is infinite and we are not! We die. God is an Infinite Being.

I submit that in reality, Man created God in Man’s image. Mankind did not understand much as it made the transition from a hunter-and-gatherer society 5,000 years ago to small settlements. The ancient Hebrews developed the first definition of God based on what they knew at the time. We have learned a great deal in the intervening 5,000 years! For example, Mankind did not understand infinity in the slightest bit back then. Only in the 1890s did Mankind finally have a stable and robust definition of Infinity, and that was supplied by the work of Georg Cantor.

It is time to update our definition of God to include this new information.

(1) New American Standard Bible Updated Edition (1997). The Lockman Foundation, Foundation Publications, Anaheim, CA 92816 (gift from Dennis and Nancy, New Jersey, 1998)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Why are these 5 discoveries important?

I would like to take a short break from the regularly scheduled discussion to take a glance at the big picture.

Why are these 5 discoveries important? Because they are fundamental to the final point that I am attempting to make and the goal I will eventually reach in writing on this blog and on the companion website

Please refer back to the first essay ( and comments made in my introduction. I had a traumatic event when I was 9 years old when I was hit in the head. That night I thought very deeply about my own death as well as the death of my family, friends, and everything around me. Eventually I thought about the death of the Universe. I have now had over 40 years of continuous thinking about these subjects. I love to contemplate the meaning of Life and Death.

Additionally, I was in the Methodist Church by my mother and joined as a member in my early teens. Now, as an adult, I consider myself a Christian and try to live by the example of Jesus as described in His Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5, 6, & 7).

It is now time for me to share what I have learned and the perspective I have been blessed with in comprehending Life, Death, the Universe, and God. The 5 discoveries are fundamental to my discussion as well as my attempt to relay this information to you. I hope to show heuristically that God is an integral part of the Universe.

You have to realize that any discussion regarding infinity cannot be trivial, and God is an Infinite Being. It will take some time to encapsulate my entire lesson, so I hope you will all be patient with me as we continue to journey down a very exciting path!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Discussion of 5 Major Discoveries

Yesterday I posted a new essay on my companion website regarding 5 important things that were discovered over the last 120 years. Here they are again:
1) Cantor’s Definition of Infinity in the 1890s
2) Plank’s Discovery of Quantum in 1900
3) Einstein’s Theory of Relativity in 1905
4) Hubble’s Discovery of Galaxies in 1923
5) Aspect’s Experiments Demonstrating that Reality is Non-local in 1982

(This list is not meant to be definitive. They’re the important discoveries that fit within the scope of the point I am making. You may have other significant intellectual improvements besides the ones listed. Please feel free to send me a comment with your important discoveries and why you consider them significant.)

I list these 6 discoveries since they have led to a deeper understanding of Reality. Each has had a major impact and expanded the frontiers of our understanding of the really big, really small, and everything in between.

For example, let’s look at #1 Cantor’s Definition of Infinity. Mathematics is an ancient subject. Gauss considered mathematics “the Queen of the Sciences” (1). There have always been at least 2 main branches of math – one for daily use and one strictly theoretical (called Pure Mathematics). Daily math grew in complexity in relation to how business transactions grew more complicated. Pure math has witnessed some titans: Euclid, Pythagoras, and Archimedes in ancient times to Newton, Leibniz, Descartes, Gauss, Euler, and others too numerous to mention (plus I don’t wish for this to become a lesson in math history).

The subject of infinity was always beyond description and comprehension. Maybe infinity didn’t even exist. Have you ever seen one? With all humor aside, Georg Cantor devoted his life to providing rigorous definitions to the concepts of sets, transfinite numbers, cardinal numbers, and the distinction between countable and uncountable infinity. By 1900, his work established the study of infinity as a branch of mathematics.

From a metaphysical viewpoint, Cantor’s work is significant because it finally allowed mankind to discuss infinity with reliable terminology. Cantor provided definitions of the new terms he used to describe infinite quantities and mathematical proofs of the concepts. It should be noted that Cantor was a deeply religious Lutheran (2). I will be using Cantor’s work in future discussion in the hope of updating our definition and understanding of the only Infinite Being, God.

(1) The Quotation Page (2007) Retrieved from
(2) Hedman, B. (1993) Cantor’s Concept of Infinity: Implications of Infinity for Contingence. Retrieved from

Monday, September 15, 2008

What Mankind Has Learned in the Last 120 Years

When we stop to think how mankind has grown and developed over the last 120 years, some notable inventions come to mind immediately: electricity, telephone, television, electric light, cars, planes, cars, and numerable medical advances. The last 25 years has seen the explosion of desktop computers and the Internet. However, none of these inventions have produced improvements in the way mankind thinks. In fact, some would say that television has helped to dumb-down intellectual life in the US and wherever else its signal reaches. All of these advances have improved the quality of life for many people, but they have not produced any paradigm shifts in mankind’s intellectual capabilities and understanding of Reality.

I humbly present for your intellectual stimulation 5 discoveries that have improved the way mankind thinks and how mankind perceives Reality.
1) Cantor’s Definition of Infinity in the 1890s
2) Plank’s Discovery of Quantum in 1900
3) Einstein’s Theory of Relativity in 1905
4) Hubble’s Discovery of Galaxies in 1923
5) Aspect’s Experiments Demonstrating that Reality is Non-local in 1982

For the entire essay, go to

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Target Audience for Jacob2012

Since I am new to blogging, I did some background reading to help me understand the culture and requirements. Nonetheless, I’m sure I’ll screw up somewhere along the way. But then we learn so much more from our mistakes than our successes.

One of the main topics the books mentioned is to know your target audience. I’m writing about life, death, spirituality, and God – well, those are some pretty touchy subjects for some people. So I would have to say that my target is anyone and everyone with a mind open to new ideas and possibilities. I don’t mean to question anyone’s present religious or spiritual beliefs because such things are integral to everyone’s individual identity.

What I will humbly be addressing in my blog is a new interpretation of some very ancient subjects that mankind has thought about since the beginning. Mankind has learned a great deal in the last 120 years or so. Now, that’s an understatement! In reality, knowledge has exploded and information has grown exponentially in that time period. But regardless of how much we have learned, we still have so much farther to grow and develop both individually and as a species.

If your mind is not receptive to new ideas and interpretations, please do us both a favor and don’t read my blog. My ideas are just going to piss you off. As I said, I’m not here to try and convince anyone that their tightly held spiritual beliefs are, well, whatever.

I am here to offer a new interpretation appropriate for the new millennium for the 80% that are receptive to new ideas. You are my target audience, and I hope to be worthy of your time and attention.

“You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.” – John Lennon. Count me as another. I hope you’ll enjoy the dialogue.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Overcoming Self-doubt and Just Do It

Well, as you can see, I finally overcame my self-doubt about sharing my perspective and ideas. I have always kept my unique perspective and interpretation of Life personal and shared with only the closest of friends.

So, last night I started this blog and published an associated personal website that will display my essays. That website is - please feel free to check it out and let me know what you think.

I plan on updating this blog 3 to 4 times per week with comments and insights into the spiritual growth of humanity. I will also post a new essay each week relating to spiritual ideas on the website. I hope to keep the 2 websites interrelated - and I hope you find my ideas interesting and thought provoking.

On a personal note, I am a quintessential Sagittarian. That means I am an idealist with a clear and direct focus on spirituality. I am an interminable optimist.

But we face some incredibly severe problems that humanity just has to solve before 2012 - specifically December 21, 2012. I hope to address and discuss some of these issues and propose solutions.

Thanks for reading and commenting. I'm still new at blogging, so please be patient as I learn the process.


Monday, September 8, 2008

My Introduction

Hi! My name is Jerry Jacob Woods.

I'm a philosopher and writer with a background in mathematics. I enjoy thinking about the big things in life such as Life, Death, What comes after Death, Infinity, and God. But don't worry, I also enjoy a good hamburger as well as an excellent margarita.

I had a near-death experience as a 9-year old which has had a major impact in my life (full essay can be found at It's why I think about these things. Now after 40+ years of mulling this stuff over, I have to start sharing my experience and interpretation with you.

I have a bachelor's degree in Pure Mathematics, and did post-graduate work in Mathematics. I have a master's degree in Education and currently working on a master's degree in Leadership.

I am very spiritual. My mother raised our family as Methodists, and now I practice living by the example of Jesus of Nazareth. I promise to always be honest and worthy of your trust.

Please join me on a journey of discovery as we venture into a discussion of Life, Death, and the depths of the Universe and Infinity.