Thursday, October 23, 2008

A Brief Introduction to Quantum Physics

Today I posted an essay on the essence of Quantum Physics at This is only a brief introduction to the incredibly deep theory of quantum mechanics and the assortment of quantum particles known as the Quantum Zoo.

For a more complete discussion of Quantum Theory, see

Quantum Physics is the most successful theory in the history of science. It accurately predicts reality at the quantum level. But a number of facts have been proven true by quantum theory that run counter to what we understand reality to be at our human level.

One of the basic realities of the Quantum Universe is the duality of particles and waves. Every quantum particle has 2 basic identities: as a discrete particle and as a continuous wave. This is Bohr’s principle of Complementarity.

How can this be? How can an electron be both a particle and a wave? It all depends on the experiment. If the experiment looks at a quantum as a discrete particle, that characteristic of the quantum is what we see. If the experiment looks at a quantum as a continuous wave, that characteristic is what is shown. Yes, this does NOT make sense at our level of human consciousness. Nonetheless, it is correct and true.

“The entrance fee that the uninitiated must pay to journey into the brave new world of unvisualizable physical reality disclosed by quantum theory and experiment is an acceptance of the view that the truths of science have greater authority that the collection of arbitrarily developed assumptions known as “common sense.” Since these scientific truths strongly suggest that we live in a quantum mechanical universe, the character of physical reality as we know it in quantum physics represents our best understanding to date of the conditions for our being and becoming in the vast cosmos. However odd or strange this reality might initially appear, it constitutes, from a scientific point of view, the “way things are.” (Kafatos & Nadeau, 1990, p. 38).

We need to update human understanding of Reality. We live in a Quantum Mechanical Universe!

Kafatos, M. & Nadeau, R. (1990) The Conscious Universe. Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010.

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