Thursday, October 16, 2008

Variation on a Theme of Einstein

Today we are discussing the work of Albert Einstein. 1905 was a phenomenal year for Einstein. He published 3 significant papers that changed the face of physics and scientific thought. The first paper explained the Photoelectric Effect, the second paper provided the seeds of the Special Theory of Relativity, and the third paper used statistical analysis to explain Brownian motion.

For a complete discussion, see

What a year! What a set of accomplishments!

In the continuation of my discussion of 5 important discoveries that have shaped Mankind’s intellectual growth, I have posted an essay that expands upon Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity and the famous equation E=mc2. You can read the essay at

To summarize, Einstein’s equation E=mc2 states that energy and mass are equivalent. When you boil away all the hype, that equation means that you, me, and everything in the Universe is a form of energy.

Yes. The chair on which you are sitting is a form of energy. The computer screen is a form of energy. Your eyes as they read this missive are forms of energy interpreting written forms of energy that contain additional meaning as agreed upon by other humans.

We need a new paradigm that incorporates the new perspective provided by Einstein that the Universe has only 1 thing: energy.

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