Friday, October 10, 2008

Sorry for the break in postings

Hi, everyone! Sorry for not posting the last 10 days. I've let the financial meltdown of the American and global financial systems get me down. I'm human, afterall! It just feels like we are living through October 1929 all over again.

Please send your healing thoughts and prayers to the stock markets and financial systems of the world to help them stablize. Please pray that investors regain confidence in the markets and stop pulling out their monies.

I am asking this not to protect the rich, greedy bastards that caused this problem. I am asking for your help for the billions of poor people that will be devastated by the depression that will follow a complete financial system meltdown. There are already 3.5 billion poor people that barely survive. The present financial meltdown will send the marginally sufficient into poverty as well as many middle class people that were manipulated into egregious debt.

With all that being said, however, here is a link to help put our problems in perspective. If we think the current global financial crisis is bad, consider what we are doing to our natural environment! From the BBC News: Nature loss 'dwarfs bank crisis'

Here's the link:

Have a great weekend!

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